Rau Hoskins
Ngāti Hau, Ngāpuhi, BArch, MArch(Hons), Pae Matua Ngā Aho
As a director of designTRIBE architects, Rau has over 25 years experience working with Māori community-based design projects and has for the past 20 years specialized in the design of Māori educational institutions in the wider Auckland area. He has worked extensively as an urban and cultural design consultant, as well as in iwi liaison capacities on a range of large public projects where he has co-developed the Te Aranga design principles with Tāmaki mana whenua. Rau sits on the Ministerial Advisory Group to the Minister of Housing, is active in Māori housing advocacy and papakāinga design projects as well as sitting on the Auckland Council Urban Design, Public Arts Advisory and Heritage Advisory Panels. Rau teaches part-time at the Unitec Department of Architecture and has been active in researching both traditional and hybrid Māori dwelling construction techniques. He presented the 13-part TV series Whare Māori, which won the AFTA for best information programme at the 2012 Aotearoa Film and Television Awards. |
Chris Sage
BA, BArch, ANZIA, Registered Architect
Chris is a widely experienced registered architect with over 30 years working in the architectural field. His work includes residential, educational and light-commercial projects. Chris has been a director of designTRIBE for 10 years and
has knowledge of governance, community structures and organizations. Chris's experience of working with all aspects of community groups and his extensive practice in the field of education architecture are invaluable to ensuring the success of architectural projects undertaken by designTRIBE. |
Maurits Kelderman
BArch, GradDipSecTchg, BMPA, MArch
Maurits completed his architectural studies in 1993 and since then has had significant experience working in all aspects of architectural design, contract documentation and administration. Maurits has knowledge of te reo Māori and tikanga, is a leader of Te Taha Tū Māori cultural group and has gained a Bachelor of Māori Performing Arts from Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. He has been a design tutor at Unitec Department of Architecture since 2000 and holds a diploma in secondary teaching. In 2015, Maurits completed a master's degree focusing on the modern interpretation of Whare Wānanga. He was awarded a New Zealand 1990 Commemoration Medal. |
Mark Suddens
Associate, Senior Draftsman / CAD Technician
Mark is a skilled CAD Technician with an excellent understanding of building detailing,
coupled with a thorough approach to full documentation. Mark also has extensive experience
as a construction contractor and project manager. After studying for a science degree at The University of
Auckland in the 1980s, Mark explored his creative side and honed his business skills
by starting and running a successful street fashion label, “Cabash,” with his partner, Bernadette.
By the mid '90s (and somewhat burnt out by this enterprise) Mark moved in a new direction and
teamed up with his father-in-law to develop (and patent) a panelized timber/plywood housing
construction system. The ethos behind this was to make housing more affordable. By engaging
in partnerships with third sector “not- for-profit” groups, and several hapū and whānau, Cabash
Self-Build Homes Ltd was able to instigate several low-cost housing initiatives in various
parts of the country. Mark has been working with designTRIBE since 2002 as a Senior Draftsman /
CAD Technician, drawing on his construction and management skills to develop and work with
integrated three-dimensional information modelling documentation. |
Stephen Delahunty
Senior Architectural Technician
DipArchTech, NZ Trade Cert. Bookbinding, Licensed Building Practitioner
Stephen is an architectural technician/designer with over 15 years experience working in the industry in New Zealand. Originally a bookbinder by trade, he chose architecture as a career after travelling to Europe. Stephen has gathered a wide experience in all fields of architecture, including alterations and additions to historic buildings, small- to large- scale residential buildings and multi-use commercial structures. Stephen is conversant with all aspects of the New Zealand building regulations, with an emphasis on energy efficiency and water tightness. |
Paul Addison
Senior Architectural Graduate
Kāi Tahu, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, BE(Hons), PhD, BArch(Hons), Graduate NZIA, Pae Matua Ngā Aho
After working as a chemical engineering researcher and academic in the United Kingdom and New Zealand, Paul decided to pursue a career in architecture. He has been at designTRIBE since 2010, after graduating from Victoria University of Wellington School of Architecture. He has worked on a range of projects, including marae, pāpakainga housing, medical centres, educational institutions and tourist visitor facilities, and has experience in all areas of designTRIBE’s practice from contract initiation to construction contract administration. Paul brings a strong technical base and research focus to his practice of architecture. He is currently the secretary of Ngā Aho, the network of Māori design professionals. |
Romana Ranginui Tarau
Architectural Graduate
Romana has worked and studied in multiple disciplines including 3D animation, art and design, architecture, and worked as a muralist / street artist. During his Bachelor of Architectural Studies at Unitec he worked together with leading tutors Rau Hoskins and Carin Wilson, the Department of Conservation, qualified builders, and fellow Unitec students on a design-and-build project to restore an historic marae on the Whanganui River. Since graduating from Unitec, Romana has worked for designTRIBE on an array of projects. |
Savannah Brown
Architectural intern
Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine, BAS
Savannah is a part-time architectural intern at designTRIBE. She is currently in the first year of her MArch (Prof) studies at the University of Auckland, with a particular interest in pre-colonial architecture in Aotearoa and internationally, and its interpretation in a modern context. From a whānau of tradies and furniture makers, Savannah is developing an interest in furniture design and fabrication. |
Naomi Sale
Office manager
China, Samoa, Tuvalu
When she isn't travelling the globe, Naomi is designTRIBE's office manager and accounts person. |